Aerios WP Responsive HTML5

Here is a new WordPress Theme! With the name of Aerios, its a brand new theme and was conceived as an option for customers looking for a portfolio or blog theme.Talking about design, Aerios theme has a responsive and elegant aspect which looks great and offers a very interesting solution..Being a responsive theme is really a plus as most themes nowadays need to be prepared to be shown on different screen resolutions. Aerios will be ready to be used either on a computer, a smarthphone or a tablet.



Widgets are part of Aerios and lets your create rich pages full of your own content with just a few drags and drops. Easy to customize this is probably on the features you will be using the most.


WordPress 2.5 introduced shortcodes and since then most of the premium themes started using them as a way to enrich the content of pages. Aerios also offers the possibility of adding shortcodes to your content which will let you create unique pages and give the possibility of offering a great experience to your users.

Aerios PSD Theme Files

Every PSD file used to create Aerios is included with your download. If there is something you don’t like in a 100% you will be able to change it with just some adjustments to the provided PSD files.

HTML5 Compilant

HTML5 is the standard nowadays but still many themes are not HTML5 compilant or do not make use of the benefits of it. Well all that is not the case with the Aerios theme which makes good use of the latest web technologies to provide users with a great experience.
If you are wondering if the Aerios theme can be integrated with twitter, the short answer is YES. As with most themes nowadays, Aerios offers the possibility sync your Twitter account.

Theme Description Provided By Themefund Themes

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